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Julie Brundage

Photo of Julie Brundage

Learning Commons Facilitator

I grew up attending EH Walter School, and was very excited when my husband, Chad and I moved back to our hometown to work and raise our children. It is a blessing to now have them attend EH Walter, and in the past two years join the team at EH Walter working at the school in the Library/Learning Commons! Our community is a place that I care deeply about. It is full of people that I love, and I am excited to have the opportunity to serve this community! 

I have many roles in my life besides the work I do at the school. At this time my roles seem to keep me busy! I am a wife and assist my husband as a youth leader in our Church and community, I am a Mom of three very amazing children, an aunt to many, a daughter, a sister and a friend! I love people, and enjoy time being a part of people's lives! 

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